Notes to the Data


Records any known source where the object has appeared in print


Individual elements of the object


Information on the structure of the object taken from published catalogues and/or website authors’ field notes 


Any individual or organization associated with the object, such as the maker, previous owner, or current owner. Makers are identified via inscriptions, labels, or other documentation that offers firm evidence as to authorship. If such documentation is lacking  works can still be attributed to makers when the design and workmanship are comparable to documented examples–sometimes with the qualifier “probably by” indicating a stronger likelihood than the qualifier “possibly by.” 


Town or region in which the object is believed to have been made 


Approximate date of manufacture of the object; “ca.” (circa) denotes five years on either side of the date indicated. 

ID Number

The internal number of the object in the archive


Construction marks, such as letters or numbers, applied by the maker, or inscriptions, labels, or other information applied by subsequent owners 


Inscriptions, labels, or other indicators of authorship 


Indicated if available; “primary” indicates the woods that are on the exterior, “secondary” indicates woods used for structural parts, for example, drawer linings or glue blocks. Parts are identified, if available.


Indicated if available; height precedes width precedes depth, unless otherwise noted. 


Given in chronological order. When known, owners’ life dates are included in parentheses immediately following the name. Site and period of ownership follow. When transfer is from one known owner to another, owners are separated by a semicolon; when there is a break in ownership, the semicolon is replaced by a period. 

Related item

Parts of sets or suites of furniture or similar examples


Guided by the standards of the Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus


The name of the object

Work Type

Guided by the standards of the Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus